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Corporate Responsibility

Our model for corporate social investment is All Children, Inc. All Children deserve a voice. All Communities deserve a future. All Companies need a mission to serve. We believe companies have a responsibility to address social issues such as poverty, poor health, lack of education and more.

As a teenager, our founder survived a life-threatening car accident. With the support of his family and friends, he made a full recovery. Armed with a new perspective, Ed wanted to help children without a strong support system have a better quality of life. So we proudly support allchildren.org, impacting children’s lives in countries with limited welfare services. This year Discount Waste along with All Children, Inc. have supported more than 2,100 children with:

Medical Care
Children die needlessly when aide and vaccinations are so easily available but not provided.
Without proper nourishment the body and mind cannot grow and prosper.
The cycle of despair will continue without this opportunity to achieve new heights.
Children abandoned on the streets have no voice and no future.